A Quandry for Christian Writers
Energion Publications owner Henry Neufeld poses some questions for Christian writers in a post on the Energion Publications main imprint blog.
Energion Publications owner Henry Neufeld poses some questions for Christian writers in a post on the Energion Publications main imprint blog.
This is the sort of thing you will often not hear about the internal workins of a company, or in this case of the owner of a company. I’m going to try to answer the question of why I added this imprint to my company’s line. Before I go into the rest of the reasons,…
The EnerPower Press imprint participates in the Energion Publications free review and evaluation copy program. You can find a full list of our titles here, or choose from one of these titles: Marriage Equality God’s Promise of Victory Be an Encourager Testify! You can request you copy using the appropriate form: Review Request Evaluation Request
A Pew report shows that 27% think Jesus will definitely return within forty years, while 20% think he probably will. Hardly better is the 28% who say this probably won’t happen. But how do they know this? What is their basis for thinking it? Christians have been thinking that Jesus is coming soon for centuries….
We have added three new elements to our detail pages: A link to a dedicated book site for the title, if one is available. This is in a box just below the book summary information An RSS feed link if the title has an RSS feed for news. This is in the same box to…
Here’s an example of customizing a book for Christmas. This is the Energion Publications fiction title Prayer Trilogy. This customization — with your letter and family picture, of course! — is available with a minimum order of 25 copies. Get in a present for your family and loved ones that includes your letter. The preview below shows…
http://youtu.be/j1P7f27-zHg Glad that wasn’t real! Now a commercial (partially). EnerPower Press offers a small book written by Pam Bell, a lady who operates a no-kill shelter in the Pensacola area. She tells stories from a Veterinary clinic from the point of view of a dog resident there. The title is Granny’s Tails, and she’s putting…