Energion Publications now offers customized printing for books. Customizing does not involve modifying the text or illustrations of the book itself, but can come in two forms:
- An added page, such as a letter at the beginning of the book
- Personalization with contact information for yourself or an organization
This customization can be used for gifts, such as including your Christmas letter in a devotional book. It can also be used for books that might be given at a church in order to provide contact information.
Note: Don’t order your books from our retail store if you want them customized. Call us at (850) 525-3916 or email us at pubs@energion.com. We will price your order, verify that you’re eligible for free setup, and send you an invoice via email that you can pay by credit card.
Customized printing costs are shown below:
- Up to 24 copies – $1 per copy
- 25-99 copies of the same book – $0.75 per copy
- 100 or more copies of the same book – $0.50 per copy
The picture below shows a letter from a church added to the beginning of the book Grief: Finding the Candle of Light. This letter invites people to contact the church for more information.
You can order personalization/customization on Energion Direct. You need to order two items: 1) Your book(s) and 2) The customization. Follow the directions at the link.
Note: Quantity discounts do apply to personalized books, but not to the customization apart from the price breaks at 25 and 100 copies of the same book sent to the same address.

An Outreach Book
As an example, at one church, our Energion title Grief: Coping with Holidays was given out in the period of time prior to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. The church wanted people to have contact information in case they wanted to follow up. A local mental health counselor wanted to use the book in the same way. Here’s the modified page we included for her:
Here are some outreach-related books you might want to consider personalizing:
These are just suggestions. See our bookstore for more books.
Greetings for the Holidays — In a Book
As either an individual or an organization, you might want to give devotional books as a Christmas gift and include a letter in the book. The following preview shows a few pages of a book with an included sample letter.
Besides the preview book, here are some books you might consider personalizing as Christmas gifts, or gifts for other occasions.
These are just suggestions. See our bookstore for more books.
Note pricing:
1-24 books – $1 per copy
25-99 books – $0.75 per copy
100 or more books – $0.50 per copy
Contact us via e-mail (pubs@energion.com) or by phone (850) 525-3916 to discuss your needs. Most of our books are eligible for personalization.