Messiah Road Map Available on
For our United Methodist customers, The Messiah and His Kingdom to Come: A Biblical Road Map is now listed on Cokesbury with a 20% discount. You can now order them with your church accounts.
For our United Methodist customers, The Messiah and His Kingdom to Come: A Biblical Road Map is now listed on Cokesbury with a 20% discount. You can now order them with your church accounts.
Books available through The Jesus Paradigm (AU$24.50) Christian Archy (AU$13.50) Megabelt (AU$18.40) The Messiah and His Kingdom to Come: A Biblical Road Map [B&W] (AU$26.95) and Color (AU$66.80) – an EnerPower Press title Note that these links are provided for information and are not affiliate links. Prices were read from the web site on…
Since Energion Publications offers free review copies for all our imprints, we need to remind reviewers who receive these free copies of disclosure requirements. As we did before the FTC jumped in, we ask that you disclose that you received a free copy from us when you post your review. This is discussed further on…
More people come to know God and become practicing Christians because of the testimony of a person, either in words or their life that is lived out in truthful reality than for any other reason. Have you ever shared your testimony with someone? What does the Bible say about testifying? Testify: By the Blood of…
Energion Publications authors Bob Makar (EnerPower Press imprint) will be displaying and signing his books at the Gonzalez United Methodist Church Fall Festival, October 3, 2009 from 9 am to 4 pm. Henry and Jody Neufeld will sign books from 11 am to 1 pm as well. All are welcome!
EnerPower Press actually began operations as an imprint of Energion Publications in December, 2008, when we signed a contract for our first book, The Messiah and His Kingdom to Come: A Biblical Road Map. That book will be released June 1, 2009, so it’s time for our web site to go live. Please explore and…
We have some pictures of the book signing for Iris Subel Davis’s book God’s Promise of Victory. The signing was held at The Drowsy Poet in Penscola, FL, and sales were brisk while fellowship was warm. Here’s Iris with Energion owners Henry and Jody Neufeld. We also were enjoying…