Watch for New Book!
Keep your eyes open for our announcement of a forthcoming EnerPower Press title, From Laughter to Cure. It will be worth it!
Keep your eyes open for our announcement of a forthcoming EnerPower Press title, From Laughter to Cure. It will be worth it!
EnerPower Press actually began operations as an imprint of Energion Publications in December, 2008, when we signed a contract for our first book, The Messiah and His Kingdom to Come: A Biblical Road Map. That book will be released June 1, 2009, so it’s time for our web site to go live. Please explore and…
We have added three new elements to our detail pages: A link to a dedicated book site for the title, if one is available. This is in a box just below the book summary information An RSS feed link if the title has an RSS feed for news. This is in the same box to…
Books available through The Jesus Paradigm (AU$24.50) Christian Archy (AU$13.50) Megabelt (AU$18.40) The Messiah and His Kingdom to Come: A Biblical Road Map [B&W] (AU$26.95) and Color (AU$66.80) – an EnerPower Press title Note that these links are provided for information and are not affiliate links. Prices were read from the web site on…
More people come to know God and become practicing Christians because of the testimony of a person, either in words or their life that is lived out in truthful reality than for any other reason. Have you ever shared your testimony with someone? What does the Bible say about testifying? Testify: By the Blood of…
Author Robert A. Makar talks about the Christian duty to be a witness on the Podcast.